Bankruptcy & Insolvency Concerns
Liquidation, Receivership, Administration – which option?
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Bankruptcy & Insolvency Concerns
If you have concerns about the implications for the shareholders/directors of a company facing liquidation/Receivership/Administration, or are unsure of which option to take, CPC Accountants provide professional advice and services in an efficient manner for a realistic fee.
- Liquidation/Receivership/Administration – which option?
- What are the implications for the shareholders/directors of a company liquidated?
Charles Crowley is now authorised by the Insolvency Service of Ireland to carry on practice as a personal insolvency practitioner. This is a new type of advisor created by the Personal Insolvency Act 2012, as such will ensure your affairs are dealt with in line with new insolvency procedures set out by this act.
The Personal Insolvency Act 2012 introduced a number of reforms to Insolvency Law in Ireland including three new insolvency procedures. These procedures are essentially different types of arrangements made with creditors to addressed secured and unsecured manner without recourse to bankruptcy. To deal with the new insolvency procedures, the Act provides for the establishment of an independent Insolvency Service of Ireland to oversee and operate the new personal insolvency system. The Act provides for the creation of a new type of advisor, and Charles Crowley has been formally appointed as such following a rigorous training and education process.
CPC & CO. Ltd. Cork Accountants, The Granary, New Road, Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland
Call Us Today: +353 23 8841899 or +353 23 8841254
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