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Thinking of changing your accountants? Simply fill in the form below for a free no obligation quote.
Change Accountants
The simple fact is we all dislike change. We don’t like being outside our comfort zone, preferring to have familiar people and patterns around us, whether that’s in business or at home. So it’s no great surprise that the vast majority of businesses resist change especially when it comes to reviewing and potentially changing accountant.
The events of the past few years and the significant economic changes that have taken place have led many business owners and directors to review all areas of their business performance, including of course, finances, cash flow and all elements of expenditure. What’s surprising though, is just how few businesses have received proactive, up front advice, support and guidance from their accountants at a time when it was needed most.
There’s a common perception that all accountants are the same. They all have a qualification and they all produce the same set of accounts at the end of the year. They are a necessary expense that every business must accept. Often lack of change leads to complacency and in the mistaken belief that you are currently getting the best available service from your accountant and you miss out on new, more exciting and more profitable opportunities.
If you wish to find out more about the process of changing accountants, read our blog post by clicking here.
Take the initiative and call us on 023-8841899 for a free consultation and a no obligation fee quotation.
At Charles P Crowley & Co, we can make the process of changing accountants really easy for you. We discuss fees openly and agree costs up-front. Don’t wait till year end, contact us today. Our free consultation will give you the chance to have your questions answered, and to see for yourself how we can help you and your business to thrive. If you then decide you would like to become a client we can arrange a seamless changeover on your behalf.
CPC & CO. Ltd. Cork Accountants, The Granary, New Road, Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland
Call Us Today: +353 23 8841899