Huge Success for CPC Accountancy Firm Open Evening

Huge Success for CPC Accountancy Firm Open Evening

We welcome our clients and supporters to an open evening in our offices on Thursday the 10th April 2014. The event marks the opening of our new premises and the joining of Caroline Crowley to the family firm. Read on for more information.

Capital Gains Tax – Retirement Relief

Capital Gains Tax – Retirement Relief

The availability of retirement relief from Capital Gains Tax has been used by many individuals in organising their business’s and future succession to minimise the amount of tax payable. This article looks at recent changes to this important relief.

Enhanced Stock Relief for Farmers

An enhanced stock relief of 100% is available for young trained farmers. Read on to find out more about the recent changes affecting the Agricultural Industry in Ireland.

Are you a driver with a disability?

The Irish Revenue have a generous tax relief scheme available for drivers and passengers with disabilities. Read on here to find out how you can claim relief.